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2024-11-03 06:20   海报新闻

  Bian Que's medical skills were unparalleled, allowing him to accurately diagnose illnesses and implement effective treatment measures. According to the “Records of the Grand Historian,“ he once treated Duke Huan of Qi, foreseeing the development of the duke's condition and advising early treatment. When Duke Huan eventually died from his illness, Bian Que's prophecy was fulfilled, demonstrating his extraordinary medical insight. Additionally, Bian Que was skilled in using acupuncture, massage, and other therapeutic methods, particularly in pulse diagnosis, where he had unique insights and proposed the “four diagnostic methods“ of inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry, and pulse-taking andpalpation, which are still widely used in traditional Chinese medicine today.


  Meeting a Tragic End, His Legacy Endures

  扁鹊的一生充满了传奇色彩。除了广为人知的医术高超之外,他还经历了许多惊心动魄的故事。据传,秦武王与武士们进行举鼎比赛,不慎伤了腰部,疼痛难忍,吃了太医李醯的药,更加严重, 但扁鹊运用综合疗法很快就解除了武王的病痛。李醯担心武王重用扁鹊,最终设计陷害并暗中杀害了扁鹊。 一代名医就此陨落,但他的卓越贡献却永远留在了人民心中。扁鹊的一生是对医学不懈追求的真实写照。他不仅在医学技术上取得了巨大成就,更通过言行树立了医者应有形象——精湛技艺与慈悲之心并存。


