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Qilu Style丨乘风破浪!山东造“大国重器”助力海洋强省建设

2024-10-24 07:36   海报新闻


  “Haikui One“ is Asia's first cylindrical floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO) facility, designed and constructed by China. It is more compact and efficient in oil storage compared to traditional ship-type structures. “Haikui One“ boasts a robust capacity to endure severe marine conditions, significantly reducing oilfield development and operational costs. The facility is capable of processing approximately 5,600 metric tons of crude oil daily.

  “耕海1号”是全国首个智能化大型生态海洋牧场综合体平台,突破了海洋工程、现代海洋牧场、渔业智慧养殖等领域80余项核心技术,是全国最大单体养殖水体。同时,“耕海 1 号”率先打造集吃、住、行、游、购、娱于一体的“海上度假综合体”,游客可以在此体验垂钓、品尝海鲜美食、参与海洋科普活动。


