立冬:凛寒起 万物藏
2024-11-07 08:50 大众网
大众网记者 王彬 宁晓洁 威海报道
今日 我们迎来了立冬
Today, we welcome Lidong,
这个气温渐次下探 万物归于宁静的时节
the time when temperatures gradually drop, and all things return to tranquility,
as farming activities in the fields slowly come to an end.
After more than half a year of hard work,
秋收的硕果已被细心晾晒 妥善储藏
the fruits of the autumn harvest have been carefully dried and properly stored.
人们将自己紧紧包裹 将这一季的温暖都悉数收藏
People, too, wrapping themselves tightly, collecting all the warmth of the season.
“藏”与“敛” 便成了立冬时节最贴切的注脚
“Storing“ and “gathering“ become the most fitting annotations of the Lidong season.
“藏” 是应对严冬的智慧之举
“Storing“ is a wise act in response to the harsh winter.
“立冬起萝卜 小雪起白菜 ”
“Start storing radishes at Lidong, and cabbages at Xiaoxue.“
立冬前后 家家户户忙着储存萝卜、白菜
Around Lidong, every household is busy storing radishes and cabbages,
and even pickling fresh vegetables for cellar storage,
as a careful preparation for winter meals.
This is a meticulous preparation for life.
“敛” 则是舌尖上的温暖哲学
“Gathering“ is the warm philosophy on the tip of the tongue.
“立冬补冬 补嘴空 ”
“Replenish in winter at Lidong, filling the emptiness of the mouth.“