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2024-11-13 00:23   海报新闻

  老济南素有“家家泉水 户户垂杨”的美誉,而曲水亭街正是这一特色最为鲜明的体现。街道因亭而名,亭则因水而成,水以其蜿蜒曲折而闻名。在曲水亭街,既能寻觅往昔的风景,体验古代文人雅士的曲水流觞之趣,也能感受现代商业的繁荣,品味市井生活的烟火气息。古老与现代,宁静与活力,折叠融合在这条老街之中。

  Jinan has long been known for its “springs in every home, weeping willows by every door,“ and Qushuiting Street is where this charm is most vividly displayed. The street is named after the pavilion, which owes its existence to the water, and the water is celebrated for its sinuous and winding course. On Qushuiting Street, you can both seek out the landscapes of the past, partake in the ancient scholars' delight of 'flowing cup' along the meandering stream, and also feel the pulse of modern commerce, savor the smoky aroma of everyday life. The ancient and the contemporary, tranquility and vitality, are folded and merged within this old street. It's a place where history and progress, peace and energy, intertwine in a tapestry of time.


  Hey guys, I’m walking here at Qushuiting street. Today I’m here at a great scholar in China, Mr. Lu Dahuang’s former residence.Let's follow hisfootsteps and feel his unusual life experience and contributions!



