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2024-09-18 10:21   大众网

  Confucius advocated “restoring the rites by self-restraint“, which was incompatible with the rapidly changing social reality at that time. Except for the period of Duke Ding of Lu, Confucius had a brief moment in the limelight in politics - he served as the Grand Minister of Justice in the State of Lu and even “acted as the prime minister“ for a period of time. However, he was soon marginalized, forcing him to travel with his disciples at the age of 58, advocating to the lords in an attempt to make a comeback and realize his ambitions, but he was never taken seriously or given important positions. In his later years, he returned to the State of Lu, concentrating on teaching, and editing the Book of Songs, standardizing rites and music and revising the Book of Changes, taking on the task of passing on the Six Arts. In 479 BC, Confucius, at the age of 73, passed away in his hometown.


  Outstanding Achievements in Education


  In contrast to his unfulfilled ambitions in politics, Confucius achieved great success in education. He broke the situation of “education being the monopoly of the government“ and initiated the precedent of private education. He carried out the educational concepts of “teaching students in accordance with their aptitude“ and “education for all without discrimination“. His educational theories and methods still have a far-reaching influence to this day, and therefore, he was honored as the “Supreme Sage and Foremost Teacher“ by later generations.


